Children.....An Agenda of

MISSION: To make children's problems and needs
the subject of intense thought, debate, and action by all policy
and decision makers. To advocate for public policies and budget
decisions which improve the quality of life for Tennessee's
vulnerable children and their families.
Goal: To provide leadership, technical
assistance, information and direct advocacy support to governmental
agencies, community based organizations, parents and individuals on
issues that support and improve the quality of life for Tennessee's
vulnerable children and their families.
Objective: To reduce the disproportionate number
of children of color, poor and vulnerable children in the juvenile
justice system, in foster care or out of home placement and those
that fall between the cracks of our educational, employment, health
and mental health system.
News in Tennessee
Life is
better With Teeth
Read More.....
Cut the Red
Tape Not Children's Health Care
- A BCI Blog